Wednesday, February 8, 2012


i am so happy, another week down........................i have not thrown up in 48 hours until this morning when i woke up at 5am to my hubby cooking half a dozen eggs.....................eggs do it every time!  back to the bowl i go!  throwing up does not just include vomit coming out of my mouth, it includes sweat all over my body, extreme itching all over, and usually a slight bloody nose, and lots of tears! not a pretty sight!

i started taking benedryl to help with the room spinning all the time and i have to admit i have noticed a slight difference. i feel 1 percent better, and i will take that!  it makes my mouth super dry but oh well!

tomorrow we get to hear the baby's heart beat for the first time, which means i must wash my hair and bath.................NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!  It makes me so sick!  Not happy about this :)

Maddie and Emmie swear the baby is a boy (grandma brain washed them), and Lizzie does not care what it is as long as it has RED hair!  Emmie and I watch Baby Story every morning and I cry every time.............hormones!  Emmie is going to deliver the baby :)

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