Monday, August 13, 2012

36 weeks!

Well today was my 36 week check up and this is what we found out:

  • I lost a pound.........weird since I have been eating like crazy.
  • My blood pressure was low - 100/70
  • They did my strep-B test (I was negative for the first 2 but positive for the last one)
  • The doctor did an internal exam and I am 1 centimeter dilated, but thick and long
  • The doctor was 100% positive the baby was NOT breach!  She showed me where the butt was and his leg and arms.  She said he was head down.
  • I disagreed with the doctor and told her he was BUTT down and I wanted an ultrasound.
  • I went over to ultrasound and sure enough he is BUTT down, breach as can be!  I was RIGHT!
  •  I went to scheduling and scheduled the c-section. 
  • It shows you to follow your gut feeling, another good example is everyone says  to try and move the baby around but I feel like there is a reason he is breach and I want to leave him alone.  Though I do NOT want a c-section I feel this is the safest way to get him out.

I am still sick everyday from 11am - 12 and feel like death for an hour, I hate it!  I HATE hyperemesis!
I was having braxton and hicks contractions last night for 2 hours, and it HURT!

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