Tuesday, February 21, 2012

11 weeks tomorrow

I do not think I have thrown up since Saturday night, and I thought i was n a good roll until 3am hit this morning and I was sicker then a dog...................again! I am so sick of being sick!

My nurse came and changed my dressings yesterday and it stung more then usual and it was sore all afternoon.  but everything looked as good as it gets.

since i was up so early i stayed in bed until 10:30am which is very late for me, my husband called 4 times and the phone is upstairs. so of course he freaked out and called my mom luckily she was over at 9am getting my oldest for school so she was able to assure him I was fine.  he says i give him anxiety, he might need anxiety medication, i told him if something is wrong i would call like i did on friday with the chest pains or my mom would call she is over all the time.  i love how much he loves me, even if he is bald after this is all said and done!

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